Today is a new day and so far it has gone good. Last night a good friend of mine, nickname Bear, helped me by driving my cousins kitchen table to her house in the desert. He is a good guy. The kids had fun. Colby took awhile like always but he did eat all his dinner.
Tonight my husband is going to his mothers house. I told him I am not going. I know it upsets him but its hard for me to go there right now. I am doing my best. I am not keeping my kids from them. I just dont understand how it got this bad. It angers me that he lies to his father about why I'm not their. I dont get to see my neice and nephew that much anymore even though I make sure she gets to see hers. But I guess thats how things work. So I will sit at home and clean to pass time until my babies come home. I miss the past but I guess that was all a lie since this has been going on behind my back for sometime I guess.....