I have a twin.... All of the twins in the world can tell you the relationship you have with your twin is different than any other relationship in the world... This person was there with you since before you were born. They know everything about you. Can finish your sentences, tell you that you look bad, beat you to a wall and they will still be your best friend. There is a level of protection that comes with being a twin. Most twins can tell you there is a "nice" twin and a "mean" twin. The nice one is quite and likes to make people happy no matter how much its taking out of them and the mean twin sees it and goes off the handle. I love my sister. She gets a bad rap for protecting me....
(I'm on the right)
There is no other relationship that compairs to a twin. We dated many men until we found two guys who can get along and be best friends. I feel like I too am married to her husband and that she is married to mine. We call or text each other everyday and hang out every weekend. Our husbands get it.... they understand. We love that about them!!!!
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